Aging Gracefully
As a Civil Engineer, I have worked on many types of projects; site plans for homes, roadway projects, and large grading projects to name a few. One thing all of these projects have in common is the success of the project is largely dependent on the foundation and strength of the soil that it is built on. One could build a beautiful home and watch it fall if the foundation hasn’t been properly prepared and designed. Similarly in our bodies, building a good foundation is imperative when we think about aging gracefully. Recently I told one of my clients that I was fighting the aging process with everything I had.…
Getting Past the Mind
As I work with clients, I am astounded and inspired by the commitment and tenacity that many have, to keep on working to achieve their goals. Not all of us have that drive and desire to work out, go to the gym, or take an exercise class. I decided to do a little research on the psychology of working out and creating the habit of keeping healthy movement a priority. Studies show that over 60 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended amount of physical activity and over 25 percent of adults are not active at all. LINK There are many reasons why people aren’t moving. I discussed a…