

Your driving to your favorite place to visit and as you pull in you realize you can’t get in the driveway because there is a roadblock or barricade keeping from your destination.  You try a different route, but no success. So, you give up and go back home.

Starting a workout routine can be similar to the above hypothetical example. We have all been there, maybe the desire to shed a few holiday calories, get rid of pesky back pain, or even follow the “doctor’s” orders.  Whatever the reason, we find many excuses as to what our road block is to getting off the couch and moving our bodies.

Here are five very common roadblocks which may keep us from succeeding at building the habit of incorporating an exercise program into our daily lives and several solutions to tearing down the roadblocks and getting us moving on to our desired destination – being fit and pain free.

Roadblock #1

“I have no time to workout.”

Although, in some extreme cases it may be true, typically we can squeeze 15 minutes here and there and that is truly all we need to increase our well being.

  • Add exercise to your Schedule – You might become your most valuable client.
  • Exercise before you turn on media – Then reward yourself with watching your favorite series.
  • Take a walk during your 10 minute break at work.
  • Full time or single parent – Take your kids with you on a hike or bike ride.

Roadblock #2

“I don’t like to exercise.”

Starting a new “thing” can be hard and create fear. Thinking of the benefits and final destination can help while you are uncomfortably moving toward your goals.

  • Find an aspect of exercise that suits your lifestyle
  • Socialite? Group classes may be an option.
  • Gamer? Active video games might be your solution.
  • High tech lover?  Exercise Apps may help you get started.
  • Ask a friend to meet you for a walk or at the gym.
  • Hire a personal trainer to create a workout plan for you. Once you fork over some money, you may be more motivated to show up for a session.

Roadblock #3

“I’m too tired all the time”

Knowing that exercise releases endorphins into your blood stream which gives you energy may not be enough motivation to get you in the gym.  Knowing that it also increases blood flow which means ultimately higher energy levels in your body, may get you going.

  • Ease into a program – Start slow and build up endurance slowly.
  • Make sure you are getting adequate and quality sleep.
  • If you are feeling exceptionally tired, try Pilates or Yoga.

Roadblock #4

“I can’t afford a gym”

Today we have access to so much knowledge and information.  The internet offers unlimited resources to put an exercise plan together.

  • Buy a good pair or training shoes and some dumb bells and you have a home gym.
  • Purchase a mat and watch Pilates or Yoga videos.
  • Get an exercise ball and work your core and say goodby to those love handles.

Roadblock #5

“I don’t want to be seen in workout clothes or a swimsuit.”

True growth is realizing that you are worth being fit and healthy.  The real you on the inside is amazing and can get past this with some courage and challenge.

  • Meet a friend at the gym or park and encourage one another.
  • Find a trainer who will get you on a customized program.
  • Join a meetup group or biking or swimming group.

Ultimately, change is involved. A change in mindset. A change in behavior. A change in priorities. And last but not least a change in direction.  Don’t let roadblocks dictate what path you take and be willing to get adventurous and try a new trail to reach your desired destination. Lastly, enjoy the journey.


The Heart Foundation

Very Well Lift

Psychology Today