Make Clean Eating Simple
Everyone is talking about clean eating. The concept hasn’t really been around that long and I bet many of us have been eating clean for quite some time. Today I want to talk about what it is and share some hacks to make clean eating simple for you to enjoy and not stress over. What Clean Eating Is and What It Is Not As a teen and young adult, I have endured a bit of teasing because of my food choices. I have always loved veggies and salads. Because I was from Texas, sometimes I have mistaken healthy foods for vegetables. Let me explain. Many times, Texans and southerners will…
The Skinny On Counting Macros
Now if you have tried counting macros and are still not seeing result, then I want you to listen up about Macros. You may have heard others talking about macros, and maybe wonder what the hype is all about. A few years ago, I know I was a bit frustrated with my own body makeup. I was a personal trainer, but didn’t look like a trainer. I asked my personal trainer how I could change my body and have that lean look. He immediately said “Macros”. Eat your macros and you will lean up. I didn’t have the motivation to follow through with his advice until now. So, today I…